This creation embodies an interactive installation crafted for the simultaneous engagement of two individuals. When a solitary person seals the shell, a subtle response emanates from the embedded buzzer. Yet, when two individuals synchronize the opening and closing of the shell concurrently, the ensuing interplay between the two objects shapes the amplitude of the response sound, fashioning a heightened auditory journey.

In the natural realm, hermit crabs seek sanctuary within the abandoned shells of departed mollusks or other robust shells, fortifying their delicate abdomens. These bivalves possess twin pore bodies that facilitate respiration and navigation across the seas as they rhythmically unveil and veil themselves. This perpetual cadence serves dually as a protective measure and a testament to the sea's innate sway, etching the imprint of environmental forces and potential perils.
In an analogous vein, the "shell" within this installation serves as an emblematic shelter, reminiscent of societal frameworks that cradle delicate bodies and ethereal spirits. The experiential resonance is unveiled through ardor and compassion, reflecting the manner in which hermit crabs seek solace within their protective encasements.
video ink : https://vimeo.com/user89522792
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